Rexetubovit, the history:

This is the story of two sisters which has lasted for 50 years, unknown to each other for the first half of their existence, they became sisters having reached maturity, then to transform themselves into a single entity when fully mature at the start of 2013.

Rex and Tubovit, the stories:
REX had been in the rubber market since 1967, to fill the needs of a niche market, answering demands made for small lots. Characteristic techniques and blends were used, non-standard, but the results of an in-depth study. Over the years, without betraying the original objectives, it developed, gathering the approval of an ever-increasing clientele, producing considerable lots.

Through the years, growing, and successfully managing to impress itself into even sensitive sectors such as the Automotive, Domestic Appliances, Chemical, Dams and Electrical Power Stations and Research, always dedicating itself more to fitting-out and distribution, without ever neglecting flexibility and personalising products, specialising in the production of rubber rollers, becoming a leader in the pre-press sector.

Some years earlier, in 1964, TUBOVIT was born with the aim of producing and marketing flexible tubing aimed at industry in general, to conditioning and ventilation with elevated volumes of air. From 2002, production was moved to Lesmo (MB) in answer to the need to expand on production and warehousing capacity. Polythene extrusion lines were introduced, this amplifying its own production range, aggressively inserting itself in the sector of processing wood.

From 2002, both the companies started to appear in international markets and in 2013, the transformed themselves into REXETUBOVIT. Today, our expansion activities continue, through the numerous distributors in Italy, the UK, Romania, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Romania and others yet.